Privacy Policy
Online Privacy Policy
Riverside Education Centers (REC) prioritizes protecting your privacy. This policy outlines what type of personally identifiable information (PII) may be collected when you visit this website. It also outlines how this information may be used and how you can opt-out.
Collection of Information
On the REC website you have the option to sign up for monthly emails. This is an opt-in. You will not receive emails or other communications from REC without voluntarily providing your email. At the bottom of all communications, you have the option to opt-out and unsubscribe at any time. REC does not share your email address.
The REC website has a chat function which allows you to email our staff directly with questions. Your email address is not used for any other purpose than to provide a reply. Utilizing the chat feature does not subscribe you to our newsletters or other communications. REC does not share your email address.
The REC website allows you to sign up to receive additional information about our annual fundraising events. By providing your email, you authorize REC to contact you about these events and other fundraising opportunities. At the bottom of all communications, you have the option to opt-out and unsubscribe at any time. REC does not share your email address.
The REC website provides an option for online program registration. The registration form is used only for student registration. Information is private and is neither stored nor shared on the REC website.
The REC website also provides a link to the REC volunteer applications and employment applications. Both of these are downloadable forms that are not filled out electronically. No personal information is collected or stored when these forms are downloaded.
REC uses a third-party platform for online donations, provided by Their privacy policy can be found here. Please note takes your privacy seriously as well.
Online Security
Our website uses Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS) encryption. SSL/TLS is a generally accepted protocol that encrypts all communication between your web browser and the site you're viewing to prevent third parties from eavesdropping or tampering with your information. Common browsers, such as Internet Explorer, make it obvious when information is being passed in a secure manner by using the prefix https:// in the URL or displaying a padlock somewhere in the browser window. Our website uses a third party SSL/TLS Certificate provider. The level of encryption is determined by your web browser, your computer's operating system, and the SSL/TLS Certificate.
The REC website utilizes the following cookies:
You can read more about these specific cookies at this link.
Other Information
The REC website has links to other websites including a variety of family resources and for donations. REC is not responsible for, nor do we have any control over, the privacy practice or the content of such other websites, and REC encourages learning about the privacy policies of those entities.
REC does not partner with or have special relationships with any ad server companies.
If you have questions or concerns about REC’s privacy policy, or if you would like to correct, amend, or delete any personal information please contact REC at
REC may update our data collection and processing practices or our privacy policies in the future. When we change practices or policies in a material way, this statement will be revised. Revisit this page to learn about any such changes.
Thank you.